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Great articles and SEO tips to help you get your head around the complicated world of SEO. SEO can be very confusing for the average business person, so I have tried to make these articles as user-friendly and easy to read as possible.

How to Get More Leads using Semantic SEO

How to Get More Leads using Semantic SEO

It’s getting harder and harder for your website content to make any real impact. The internet space is just becoming far too crowded. So how can you make sure that your copy stands out from the crown and more importantly gets read by your customers? The answer is simple; by focusing your efforts on Semantic

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SEO & Adwords are the right mix for your business

If you have a new product or want to promote a new service that you are offering or perhaps you have a new website that you have just launched for your business then a combination of SEO and Adwords is the best way to generate leads for your business both in the short and long

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SEO in 2021, what can you expect?

The SEO landscape is ever-changing and probably the most important change to happen in 2021 will be the way SEO agencies go about their backlinking. Whilst backlinking has been around for years and is considered probably one of the most important components of any SEO campaign, we feel that in the coming 12 months, Google

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How to know if your ‘Google Team’ are doing their job

Can you tell if your SEO agency is performing and doing what they said they would be doing in your initial meeting? In an enormous amount of instances, there is an enormous gap in what is actually being done on your SEO campaign and what was promised to you in the initial sales pitch. There

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Rank your website FASTER by focusing on your SEO upfront

Rank your website FASTER by focusing on your SEO upfront

SEO is a long term strategy so ff you are in it for the short term don’t even bother. Because it’s the foundation of your entire digital marketing, SEO needs to be implemented methodically and organically. This is the only way Google will ever end up ranking your website. Promises of speedy fast churn n

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SEO for the Wedding Industry

SEO for the Wedding Industry for 2021

Like all businesses looking to attract more customers and inquiries, the wedding industry is no exception. There are thousands of weddings happening in Australia as well as destination weddings overseas and a slice of this seriously lucrative pie is the aim of all: Wedding planners Wedding photographers Wedding celebrants Wedding venues Wedding coordinators as well

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5 Crucial SEO Ranking Factors

5 Crucial SEO Ranking Factors

Businesses are often confused about what is needed to rank a website on Google. Following are some important SEO ranking factors that Google will look at to determine the quality of your website and if it’s worthwhile ranking in the SERP’s. Without all of these factors fitting together nicely, you can forget about being able

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To rank on Google, it’s all about the links

To rank on Google, it’s all about the links

I’m absolutely amazed and if I say so myself dumbfounded when people are told lies when it comes to SEO and ranking on Google. To this day there are these so-called fraudulent pranksters that have the guts the gall the chutzpah to sit there and lie to your face about what it takes to rank

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Why Australian Hotels Need SEO to Remain Competitive

It doesn’t matter if your running a small country hotel or your part of a multinational hotel brand, one thing is certain, you need to be doing SEO if you are going to attract new guests. Nothing is more critical nowadays than having your hotels’ website ranking on Google. Sure you can get new business

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How to Convince Your Boss You Really Need SEO

How to Convince Your Boss You Really Need SEO

A lot of bosses will tell their PA, their partners or someone from their marketing department to go out and get as many SEO quotes as they can and find out as much information as they can about SEO. They end up doing the ring around, speak with 3 or 4 SEO Sydney agencies and

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