SEO Works, Believe me when I tell you this!

December 28, 2015

For those of you that have never heard about SEO or have never tried it before let me tell you 1 thing very loud and clear. SEO works and is the only way that your business is ever going to get to page 1 of Google. If implemented properly SEO will boost your online rankings more than you thought possible. But like with everything in business there is a catch; you have to sort out the bad SEO agencies from the good ones and this is a hell of a lot harder than it looks.

For most businesses  looking for a SEO agency they will just do what everyone else does and that’s type the words SEO into Google. From there they will choose the first 3 to 4 companies they see and make their inquiries. This is where the problems start cause Google’s first 3 results are always Adwords and this is not what you should be choosing. 

seoworksSEO companies pay a lot of money to secure these positions ( in some cases $50 per click) and they need to convert every inquiry into a sale to make it worth their while. This means they are going to offer you ridiculous SEO guarantees and promises which are simply not achievable in order to secure your business. Once they have you they will use the money you pay them every month to refinance their adwords campaign to get more suckers ( ooops I mean businesses) on board with them. It’s a complete scam, a scheme designed to make them rich and you poor. They will lock you into contracts, tie you up for a year and basically hold your business hostage causing severe and in many cases damage that can not be repaired. I have seen countless businesses who have made the wrong decision about choosing an SEO agency suffer because their website has been so messed up that they have had to ditch it and start again. It happens each and every day and Google smashes these sites due to non compliant SEO works carried out by these scammers. Be on the LOOK OUT and STAY very ALERT!

So what ever you do look for companies that are ranking organically not in paid ads on Google. This is really the very best way to initially start your search for the right type of SEO company. Once you have 2-3 of these agencies make sure you pay them a visit to go over your campaign. 

Get a feel for what they can do and how they can help you and if they seem a bit dodgy ( even organically ranking SEO companies can be dodgy as they have spammed their way to page 1 – these results will crash BUT you will never know – so use your business instincts here), move on. You only want to be working with agencies that you feel you can trust and are dependable.

So why is SEO the best way to help my Google rankings?

Many SEO companies will tell you and swear blindly that SEO is dead and that Google is on the look out for any type of SEO activity and will penalise sites blah blah blah. These are the type of people who say the only way to help improve your organic rankings is via publishing content and working your social media platforms. Well guess what? These companies are content & social media marketing agencies so of course they are going to push this angle. They know nothing about SEO or Google and they are doing you a disservice by shoving these lies down your through. Again, watch out for these type of companies as they have their own agenda and will trash any form of SEO to get you to sign up with them. 

SEO is implemented correctly is the process of back linking and Google loves this. If your agency is able to work a back linking campaign that is compliant and organic then this is the only real way that Google can tell your website has authority and they are going to reward you for this activity – BIG TIME!

Without going into too much detail about how SEO SYDNEY EXPERTS implements it’s back linking campaign all I can say is that if it is implemented in a balanced, methodical and sustainable manner then your keywords will start to climb. If this is done in a consistent manner month after month ( without stopping) then these back links will send ranking signals to Google and your core keywords will rise even further.

Many people ask me how long they should keep doing the SEO. My answer is indefinitely. Basically, you cannot stop the process once you have started it unless you want to see your keywords start to drop. This is the thing with SEO and this is the reason why many businesses take a start/stop approach with it. They get scared at the monthly fee and if things get a bit slow the first thing they do is cancel the SEO. 


This is the worst thing they can do and it’s a real pity that they have this attitude. Because if they are prepared to stick it out, be patient and understand that the SEO process can take many months and in some cases a year, then they would see the real benefits.

For your keywords to remain solid on page 1, Google needs to see these back links pointing towards your website on a very regular basis ( note – you cannot simply throw a thousand back links at your site and think this will work as it’s a trigger to Google to penalise your site), month after month. There is no stopping as you need to keep ahead of your competition and this is why it’s an ongoing campaign.

Having said all that you really shouldn’t mind paying for your SEO as it’s going to be very rewarding to your business once you are dominating your niche on Google. 

For those businesses that have been on page 1 and have seen their businesses grow you will know what I am talking about. For those newbies that are just starting out you must believe me when I tell you that you can try all forms of adverting you like. But nothing and I truly mean this, nothing can compare to a great Google ranking. To achieve this you must make the right decisions from the start. 

If you are still unconvinced please call me on 02 9360 8514 and I will clearly explain to you how good SEO can be for your business.


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