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Case Studies

Sparrow Loans

210% increase

in organic growth in 6 months

54 Pages on page 1

Fantastic Google rankings in only 6 months

10 main core keywords

in the top 3 places on Google (@ January ’24)

SEO case study - sparrow loans

How Sparrow Loans Increased Their Market Share with SEO

The business loans market is so competitive, with banks and other non-bank lenders dominating this space on Google for keywords like Private Lenders. As a new business start-up, it was the job of SEO Sydney Experts to get Sparrow Loans to be as aggressive as possible to get leads from Google when people search for Private Lenders and other related keywords in their niche.

SEO Solution

Due to the nature of this niche and the fact that the market is dominated by well-known branded banks and other institutions, it was our job to not only get Sparrow Loans to a top 3 position but to build trust and confidence in the brand via content marketing and UX design. Fantastic results in about 3 months where most keywords ranked on Google, and we could tell that they were on their way to the top 3 positions. To this day, their rankings are solid.

To find out more about how SEO Sydney Experts has helped businesses like Sparrow Loans improve organic search growth and Google search result rankings, check out our other case studies.

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