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Has COVID-19 put an end to your online marketing? Have you slashed all your SEO budgets?
Now’s the time to kick start your SEO as lockdown restrictions begin to ease.
Yes, most businesses have slashed their SEO & PPC budgets but as we are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel it’s time to now take a closer look at what is needed to kick start your businesses and get the wheels turning. I have just seen an article on the SMH website where the premier of NSW has opened up pubs, cafes and restaurants for 50 people so this is a great step in the right direction of opening up the economy.
Also read: Coronavirus updates LIVE
So it’s time to take stock of your business and it’s online visibility. What’s happened in the last 3 to 4 months and what do you want to happen in next 3 to 4 months. Has your business been in in some kind of hibernation or has it just slowed down to a point where you have had to get rid of staff, advertising budgets, even perhaps your office. Where are you now and where do you want to be.
As a small business owner of an SEO company; SEO Sydney Experts, I was bracing for some massive account cancellations but most of my clients were educated about the benefits of maintaining their SEO campaign, even if it’s at a lesser level.
Yes, some of them did cut their budgets by in some instances 50% but as we are starting to see the opening up of the economy these businesses are slowly ramping up their marketing budgets to the pre-Covid 19 level.
3 reasons why businesses need to either commence an SEO campaign or kick start their SEO campaign if it’s been placed on hold
1) The lag effect of SEO
What I mean by this is that the work & effort you put into your SEO today will bear fruit in 2 to 3 months.
This puts us around the end of July / beginning of September and by that time ( and I’m saying this based on current positive news stories about what the state government is doing ) we should see the NSW economy starting to come to life. We should have more businesses needing goods and services and guess where they turn to? Google!
Your business will need to be up there if you are going to be getting those post COVID 19 leads, sales and inquiries.
If you’re thinking that your website is fine and it’s always been on page 1 so why worry about it – think again. Your competition will no doubt be well aware of the benefits of SEO and internet market post COVID so you need to take a proactive approach to see the benefits.
2. COVID 19 won’t last forever
COVID won’t last forever, it’s simply economically unsustainable to keep Sydney businesses at this level of hibernation for an extended period.
I have to admit that there will be changes and life as we know it will look a tad different with all the social distancing measures put in place but people are consumers and consumers want goods and services. Although it may be a different social landscape you still need to be able to generate business from Google.
So if your on the fence about recommencing your SEO now ( and I’m saying this near the end of May ) is a good time to flick the switch.
3. Google needs to see some SEO activity
If you have an existing website and your SEO has been on hold then your sending no activity or ranking signals to Google. Google needs to see some form of link building and adding fresh new copy to your site.
Also read: Is quality content good for SEO rankings?
These ranking signals tell Google’s algorithm that your site is active and it will start reindexing this again. Google places a great emphasis on new content and if it’s written properly and informative it will start to rank above stagnant web pages.
This makes perfect sense as Google wants to place the latest news or products front and centre. Even if you haven’t touched your website in years it’s a good time to start the process as people will want to shop, buy and spend their money now more than ever after lockdown.
Yes, this is a terrible time in our history but there are opportunities out there just waiting for you once we truly emerge from the lockdown. If your website is ranking well through SEO and internet marketing, guess what? You’re going to get the inquiries and this is one of the best ways to ensure your business not only survives but thrives.
If your looking for any help with your online rankings and visibility please call us on 02 9360 8514.