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Author: admin-sse

How Google's AI Search Is Going to Change SEO

How Google’s AI Search Is Going to Change SEO

Google has joined the AI revolution and jumped on the bandwagon, now releasing AI-generated answers within their search results when you ask Google-specific questions: How good is this? It was bound to happen with all the talk about AI and how it will change the world; one would expect Google to be at the forefront

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Top 7 disadvantages of using AI in Digital Marketing

Top 7 disadvantages of using AI in Digital Marketing

So many people have asked me if I am using AI for my content marketing. Tempting as it may be, the answer is a firm no! I’ve never thought about using it, and for the moment, I have no intention of even getting close to it.  Sure, there will be people who will quickly adopt

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How to Choose an SEO Agency in 2023

How to Choose an SEO Agency in 2023

In 2023, hundreds, if not thousands, of SEO agencies will be out there looking for your business.  If you are looking for help with your SEO and digital marketing, you may be wondering where to go and what to look out for.  The industry is so massive that finding the appropriate SEO agency to complement

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Google’s December 2022 Link Spam Algorithm Update

Google’s December 2022 Link Spam Algorithm Update, a quick analysis

While everyone was preparing for their Christmas holidays, Google has been super-busy with yet another core algorithm update. On December 14th, 2022, Google announced on Twitter that they would implement a new link spam algorithm. Great news for those in the SEO game and implement links correctly, and seriously bad news for those SEO agencies

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6 Bulletproof SEO strategies to open the sales floodgates

5 Bulletproof SEO strategies to open the sales floodgates

How DO you get to the top of page 1? Many SEO and digital agencies online preach one thing only; create awesome content. They tell you that the best way to rank on Google is to create the best copy ever, and presto, Google will notice, and you’ll be on the top of page 1

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SEO vs PPC- Pros, Cons, & Everything In Between

SEO vs PPC: Pros, Cons, & Everything In Between

Which is better, SEO vs PPC? Every business I speak to eventually ends up asking me this question. Without a doubt, it’s the most common question SEO or PPC? People are so keen to get on Google that they are torn between the two strategies. And I always tell them the same answer; do both

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Content Optimisation: All you need to know

Content Optimisation: All you need to know

Is your content not getting the type of online traction and results you expect? The harsh reality is in this super-crowded, and over-competitive page search results on Google more is needed to have content that ranks. But, no! That’s so old school. Today you have to have content optimised to rank as well as sell.

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Off-Page SEO Tips

5 Clever Off-Page SEO Tips You Need to Do ASAP

Off-Page SEO are those elements that are invisible to the browsers to give your website the best chance of ranking on Google. There are dozens if not more off-page SEO ranking factors that Google looks at to determine the importance of your site. So, what’s ‘off-page SEO, apart from the well-known link building strategies, and why

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Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips

Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips to Turbocharge eCommerce Sales

Just because a customer lands on your eCommerce store, this doesn’t mean they are ready to buy. They might be browsing, comparing prices or just doing their research. Most shoppers on your website are tyre kickers, but the trick is to convert them into paying customers. In many cases, the unfortunate truth about selling online

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The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce SEO

eCommerce SEO: A simple guide for beginners

If you own an eCommerce store being found on Google and having massive online visibility is the name of the game. It’s the only way you will bring potential ready to buy customers to the site and make those critical sales. It’s the lifeblood of your eCommerce store and the best way to drive revenue,

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