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Category: SEO Tips

Great articles and SEO tips to help you get your head around the complicated world of SEO. SEO can be very confusing for the average business person, so I have tried to make these articles as user-friendly and easy to read as possible.

How to choose a good SEO company

Choosing a good SEO company is not as easy as it looks. There are literally thousands of SEO companies in Sydney wanting your business and finding the good ones that offer a premium, reliable and credible service is like finding a needle in a haystack. Following are some tips to help you find the best

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Why Press Releases are Still Good For Your SEO

Press releases used to be a great way to improve your SEO. However, in the past couple of years (and this is since 2017), Google has devalued the value it used to place on these press releases. Internet marketing companies and SEO agencies were quite unhappy about this as they lost a great SEO avenue,

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Google Drops Authorship Images From The Search Results

Google Drops Authorship Images From The Search Results

Personally, I love it and it has worked really well for us, albeit, it was a photo of myself and not someone more attractive. But alas, like all things in Google land, nothing ever remains static and they are always changing, bending and altering the rules. Our Google authorship photo has been there for well

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Corporate SEO in Sydney Survival Guide

Corporate SEO in Sydney Survival Guide

Our Corporate SEO is a tailor-made, customised solution for those corporate businesses and companies in Sydney looking for the very best that SEO can buy. Our SEO philosophy does not focus on link building alone like so many other agencies rely on. This is deemed black and is considered very old school. Our proven SEO

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Has Your Website Been Hit By the Latest Google Updates

The latest Google algorithmic changes, Panda and Penguin, according to Matt Cutts head of Googles search quality team, focuses on 2 areas; web content and spam. Both great topics in themselves, but I thought I would outline why some websites suffer and consistently never rank whilst others seem to be at the top of the

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What Is The Future of Link Building? 4 Important Messages

Things are always changing within the search engine landscape. The algorithm is constantly evolving but you can bet on one thing and that is the importance of link building. It is still a great way to build authority and trust within your URL and really the only proven way to get a higher search engine

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5 Reasons why your business should invest in SEO

5 Reasons why your business should invest in SEO

If you think that SEO is dead and is something that you can do for yourself then you really need to think again. SEO is very much alive and it is the smart business owners and eCommerce startups who understand this and who are working with an SEO company for their online marketing. Those businesses

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10 quick and easy blogging tips for small business

10 quick and easy blogging tips for small business

A company or business blog with a great looking website design can  have a powerful impact on your search engine rankings and in turn impact on your business by getting more eyes on your website. A blog will generally cost you very little to implement and it’s return on investment is often well worth it.

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